A Smattering of Selenium #34
We’ll start this week with the official announcement of ‘Selenium 1.0 Testing Tools: Beginner’s Guide’ being available.
We’ll start this week with the official announcement of ‘Selenium 1.0 Testing Tools: Beginner’s Guide’ being available. Congrats David! (Still waiting for my copy…)
- There is now a DZone ‘refcard’ for Selenium 2. Of course, the reason Se2 is alpha is the API isn’t done with at least one major addition still left so it will be out of date in a month, but still…
- Here is another example of how to do Page Objects in Python
- Client-Side Profiling with Selenium 2 is David’s post about his recent London Selenium User Group talk
- Someone took the time to make a Selenium lens on Squidoo; which is going to get kinda circular once this post shows up on it.
- Why Automated Testing is Broken. Not much of a commentary here other than A-freaking-men. Ok, that was commentary.
- Selenium Toolkit for .NET got a version bump for the first time in a year.
- Driving a Flex Application via Selenium 2 WebDriver shows how to use FlexSelenium and Web Driver together
- RVM is one of the ‘cool kid’ tricks and Continuous Integration with Hudson is one of those things you need to know how to do if you are using it.
- Vagrant appears to take RVM one (or more) steps further
- I keep thinking someone needs to create a Selenium koans site. Inspired by javascript koans and ruby koans
- Launchlist appeals to me somehow. Throw in an API for launching scripts and you have a nice TCM system
- I spent some time figuring out how to integrate Robot Framework with Sauce Labs OnDemand and then wrote about it
- Web Driver for the BlackBerry – did not know that even existed.
- gocept.selenium is another Zope 2/Plone/ZTK integration
- BDD, ATDD and Page Objects was a talk done at SkillsMatter which was recorded
Oh. and I just noticed that this is the Selenium-iversay edition of these things.