A Smattering of Selenium #136
Someone go back to my past self and punch him for thinking that starting to get in shape was a good idea.
Someone go back to my past self and punch him for thinking that starting to get in shape was a good idea. OMGCANTMOVE.
- .NET Goes Immutable seems interesting. But I don’t really speak C# so it could very well be boring and uninteresting.
- Shadow DOM 101 is another part of HTML5 that makes me think this web automation stuff has a very limited life span. Between this and Canvas… ugh.
- Using WebDriver to automatically check for JavaScript errors on every page is something I have been considering adding to my frameworks…
- Have I mentioned how much Canvas worries me? Snow in canvas land is an interesting post on debugging/improving performance on an little canvas app
- And in a similar vein, Why moving elements with translate() is better than pos:abs top/left
- I want to say that I’ve already linked to this, but I need it for a potential project so I’m linking it again – Modifying Python’s SimpleHTTPServer to accept directory aliases
- As a framework vendor I’m a bit worried about linking to Why Frameworks?, but there you have it.
- It both worries me, and impresses me, when people start needing to do Linux TCP/IP Tuning for Scalability
- Living in the cloud? Go read An Epic TripAdvisor Update: Why Not Run On The Cloud? The Grand Experiment. Now. The last link can wait.
- Understanding HEAD, HTTP/204 and HTTP/206 — What? You mean that there is more to HTTP than 200 and 404?