A Smattering of Selenium #137
Whoops, missed a couple days… ah well.
Whoops, missed a couple days… ah well.
element - Dependency injection != Inversion of Control is useful reading. And the Waffle example is pretty funny.
- Not sure yet how I feel about this feature in the page-object gem.
- Waiting for an application to be fully loaded has some more examples of using a ‘proper’ [not implicit] waiting strategy.
- Most of us are not using Se for HVAT, but knowing the terminology, etc. can’t hurt – An Overview of High Volume Automated Testing
- The Exceptional Beauty of Doom 3’s Source Code – An ode to code indeed.
- Visual Studio considered Harmful. Or any other tool in your toolchain. You should be able to swap any bit up for one of similar functionality. The number of Eclipse programmers absolutely dwarfs the number of Java programmers.
- Centralized Selenium Logging with Graylog — alright, this is pretty trick.
- chrome-har-capturer uses Chrome’s remote debugging port to build a HAR file. Even works for SPDY traffic I believe.
- Opening a new terminal tab in OSX(Snow Leopard) with the opening terminal windows directory path – woah! AppleScript!