A Smattering of Selenium #151
Almost a month after the last one.
Almost a month after the last one. Though it did nice to have it at 150 when people go to the blog … but a greater number is nicer.
- So I was trying to find Requests for PHP whilst talking to the grumpy programmer and he pointed me out to Guzzle which looks equally cool
- Can you optimize list(genexp) is one of those geeky language internals things that could be handy to have in your back pocket
- Slightly Snarky GWT Debug ID FAQ – c’mon, when have you seen a more blatantly ‘put this in the smattering’ title than this?
- phpenv could be useful. And could be I mean ‘holy crap this is useful’ — but then again, I do actually need 3 different versions of PHP locally. YMMV
- Pain killing the pingponger’s decease is by their own admission not stable, but is a nice temporary solution. And illustrates why you should learn your tools — if they didn’t know about custom annotations and their runners in JUnit they would have missed this.
- Yet another JS testing framework has grown a webdriver tentacle – karma-webdriver-launcher
- I barely understand a word of Method Combinators in CoffeeScript which is often a sign I should include something
- How are JavaScript files being served and how many are there? is interesting … even if I don’t understand what/where he has put all this HAR information so one could reproduce this on their one data
- Statically Recompiling NES Games into Native Executables with LLVM and Go – $entity help us if we ever need to do this level of ridiculousness to drive browsers, but holy wow its cool.
- Remember I said I should just auto-include all of Raymond Hettinger’s SO answers? Well, here’s another one – Python importing class attributes into method local namespace